2021-2022 Pierce College Catalog 
    Sep 07, 2024  
2021-2022 Pierce College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ASL& 121 American Sign Language I (5 credits)

Distribution Area Fulfilled Humanities; General Transfer Elective
Formerly SIGN 101 - CCN

Course Description
A beginning course in American Sign Language using conversational methods. This includes vocabulary related to exchanging personal information, day-to-day common activities, describing family relationships, and providing basic directions. Basic grammar, finger-spelling, numbers 1–100, the fundamentals of spatial agreement, and an introduction to the deaf culture and its history are also introduced.

Student Outcomes
1. Demonstrate receptively and expressively the ability to utilize a vocabulary of 400+ signs to construct basic conversations pertaining to the content of this course, such as: exchanging personal information, including describing basic day-to-day activities, basic family relationships and appearance, traveling to school or work, basic needs, and basic directions of a location or the surroundings.
2. Research, read, and provide information about ASL history, key historical events and people, and topics that are within the scope of the content of this course.
3. Interpret and verify basic directions using spatial agreement, including signer’s perspective, real-world orientation, and eye gaze.
4. Construct basic sentences and questions, and apply NMGM (non-manual grammatical markers) appropriately while asking a yes/no or “wh” question.
5. Demonstrate the various ways to negotiate a signing environment and how to get others’ attention, such as a wave or a light flicker. 
6. Construct and comprehend basic sentences using classifiers to show action, size, and shape of a noun.
7. Request and provide information regarding course content both receptively and expressively.
8. Generate, translate, and comprehend NMS (non-manual signals) to show meaning. 
9. Finger-spell using correct palm orientation with a slight shift with some letters to demonstrate basic flow and fluency.
10. Identify and use the numbers 1–100 in real-life situations for basic counting and ages.

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