Feb 15, 2025
CIS 261 Structured Query Language (5 credits)
Prerequisite CIS 122 and CIS 260 , each with 2.0 or better (may be taken concurrently); or instructor permission.
Course Description Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL), the industry-standard language for storing, retrieving, displaying, and updating data in a relational database. Includes an introduction to extensions to standard SQL such as a procedural language extension such as Procedural Language-SQL PL/SQL or Transact-SQL (T-SQL).
Student Outcomes 1. Describe American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Structured Query Language. 2. Create and analyze schemas from relational databases. 3. Format Structured Query Language queries. 4. Query and create views of databases. 5. Validate and manage data. 6. Differentiate Data Manipulation Language versus Data Definition Language versus Data Control Language. 7. Create, read, update, and delete data.
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