Dec 11, 2024
DRMA 160 Introduction to Film and Video (5 credits)
Distribution Area Fulfilled Humanities; General Transfer Elective Formerly THTR 160
Course Description Introduction to and exploration of the world of movies film, history, filmmaking, techniques, and film direction. The social and economic influences of the American film will also addressed.
Student Outcomes Student learning objectives:
Upon satisfactory completion of this course, students should be able to:
1.Critically analyze films for plot, character, setting, style, and theme through script analyses and film viewing.
2.Critically analyze the elements of film production including direction, cinematography, script, lighting, props, setting, acting, editing, sound, costumes, special effects, makeup, and music.
3.Describe the basic elements of composition and design as they relate to film.
4.Describe the process of distribution and exhibition of film in the United States and internationally.
5.Describe and analyze the history of film.
6.Compare and contrast styles and genres of film through script analyses and film attendance.
7.Describe, compare, and contrast film forms.
8.Analyze documentary, experimental, and animated film.
9.Critically analyze the relationship between film form and culture.
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