Feb 15, 2025
JOURN 112 College Newspaper Photojournalism (1 to 5 credits)
Course Description Practical experience in shooting, developing photos for the school newspaper. Students should already have a basic working knowledge of photography.
Student Outcomes 1. Recognize photojournalistic “moments” that are publishable for the market.
2. Generate ideas to illustrate and complement, with photos, any given news story.
3. Identify and execute appropriate camera skills needed for any given photo
assignment (for example, posing, lighting, shutter speed, depth of field, flash).
4. Write an effective cutline (photo caption) for any given news photograph.
5. Create and maintain a professional clipbook (portfolio) of 10 published photos.
6. Identify and apply key photojournalistic techniques used in professional photo samples.
7. Scan negatives and adjust in Photoshop.
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