2021-2022 Pierce College Catalog 
    Feb 08, 2025  
2021-2022 Pierce College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MATH 054 Beginning Algebra (5 credits)

Prerequisite Satisfactory placement test score, or MATH 050  with a grade of at least 2.0, or instructor permission.

Course Description
Operations with fractions, decimals, percents, and signed numbers. Simplify algebraic expressions. Solve linear equations. Solve a variety of application problems. Square roots, exponents, and coordinate graphing. Determine area, perimeter, and volume. Calculate statistical measures of center and interpret graphs.

Student Outcomes
Note: All the outcomes should be performed without a calculator, except as noted.

Numbers and operations (content A, B, C)
1. Perform the four basic operations with positive and negative rational numbers expressed in fractional notation and decimal form. Calculate with exponents.
2. Perform multi-step calculations with rational numbers using the correct order of operations. Place rational numbers in order.
3. Compute with percents, and interpret results.
4. Find square roots of perfect squares without a calculator, and use a calculator to find approximate square roots.
5. Demonstrate math fact fluency (aka automaticity) in number skills by recalling basic math facts of single-digit addition, single-digit products, subtraction and division resulting in a single digit with speed and accuracy. Student must meet the department established minimum standard.

Algebraic expressions – simplification and evaluation (content D, E)
6. Manipulate basic algebraic expressions, using correct order of operations and combining like terms.
7. Perform the four basic operations with algebraic fractions (for fractions that have monomial numerator and denominator).
8. Simplify algebraic exponential expressions involving positive integer exponents.
9. Evaluate algebraic expressions and formulas without a calculator.
10. Use a calculator to evaluate numeric expressions, including those with parentheses and exponents.

Solving linear equations (content F)
11. Distinguish between algebraic expressions and equations.
12. Solve one-variable linear equations, including those with grouping symbols and with the variable on both sides.

Applications (content G)
13. Analyze word expressions and translate them into algebraic expressions.
14. Solve a variety of application problems, including the following: Solve application problems involving percents including percent increase/decrease problems and simple interest formula. Solve application problems involving proportions, such as scale drawings or geometric similarity.

Geometry (content H)
15. Determine the area and perimeter of rectangles, triangles, and circles. Determine the volume of rectangular boxes and cylinders. Express these solutions with the correct units. Determine these solutions with no outside references (that is, memorize these geometric formulas).
16. Measure lengths using units of the metric system and the U.S. system.
17. Convert between units of measure within the metric system and the U.S. system.

Statistics (content I)
18. Given data, calculate the mean, median, and mode.
19. Create graphs to represent data and interpret data represented in statistical graphs.

Coordinate Graphs (content J)
20. Graph points on a coordinate axes system. Identify points graphed on a coordinate system, including axes intercepts.
21. Graph linear equations by plotting points.

Study Strategies (content K)
22. Create a study plan incorporating a variety of study techniques that can contribute to success in learning mathematics.
23. Describe a variety of techniques and strategies for reducing math or test anxiety, and reflect on which techniques might be of personal benefit.

General Skills
24. Estimate solutions to a variety of problems, and apply estimation to judge the reasonableness of calculated solutions.
25. Use appropriate units when answering application problems. Express solutions to problems correctly in phrases when appropriate. Use mathematical terms and vocabulary correctly.
26. Clearly communicate solution processes.

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