2021-2022 Pierce College Catalog 
    Sep 07, 2024  
2021-2022 Pierce College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ECED 109 Introduction to Math for Early Childhood Education (3 credits)

Prerequisite MATH 050  with a grade of at least 2.0 or placement test score above MATH 050 or instructor’s permission.

Course Description
A course for early childhood educators focusing acquiring the math concepts needed to teach young children. Topics include patterns, sequencing, number systems and computation, geometry, measurement, and basic concepts from statistics and probability. Interactive, activity-based methods are used guided by national mathematics education standards. Emphasizes conceptual understanding, connections among topics, and communication of mathematical thinking.

Student Outcomes
Problem solving
1. Apply problem-solving strategies to problem situations, such as the use of models, pattern recognition, working backwards, “guess, check, and revise”, and organized tables.

Patterns and sequences
2. Recognize and describe patterns, including those found in nature, sounds (music, rhythms), pictures, and objects. Create new patterns.
3. Create sequences of objects or numbers, extend existing sequences, and order events in sequence.

Number systems and operations
4. Discuss the components of our base 10 number system and an ancient numeration system, including symbols used, place value, methods of computation, and advantages and disadvantages of the system.
5. Describe and apply a variety of cognitive models and concrete materials (manipulatives) to explore, illustrate, and justify quantitative relationships and computational methods.
6. Demonstrate proficiency with operations with Real numbers, including fractions, decimals, and percents, without a calculator.
7. Apply properties of the real number system to justify reasoning and to solve problems involving whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, and percents.
8. Use estimation to evaluate the reasonableness of solutions.
9. Use correct order of operations to evaluate numerical expressions with several operations and parentheses.

Relationships and two-dimensional representations
10. Explore and analyze patterns, relationships, and functions, for example using “Guess my rule” games.
11. Use two-dimensional graphs, such as coordinate geometry, to specify locations.

Geometry and measurement
12. Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes, using correct vocabulary.
13. Build and manipulate representations of two- and three-dimensional objects using concrete models and drawings.
14. Recognize measurable attributes of objects. Explore and apply various units and systems of measurement, including nonstandard, U.S., and metric (SI).
15. Select and use appropriate measurement units, techniques, and tools to find length, perimeter, area, and volume.
16. Determine area and perimeter of rectangles, triangles, and circles. Determine volume of rectangular solids.

Statistics and probability
17. Design simple investigations and collect and organize data.
18. Display data in graphs and charts.
19. Determine measures of center for sets of data (mean, median, mode).
20. Calculate the empirical probabilities of events after collecting relevant data.
21. Discuss the theoretical probability of simple events.

Connections and Communication
22. Connect mathematical ideas to the real world.
23. Recognize how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole.
24. Collaborate with classmates in order to achieve some of the learning outcomes of this course.

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