ESL 064 Advanced ESL Integrated - 6 (1 to 15 credits)
Prerequisite CASAS Appraisal Exam, CASAS score of 221-235, and instructor permission.
Course Description An advanced level integrated ESL speaking, listening, reading, and writing course for those who have mastered high intermediate ESL and who are ready to further develop their communication skills in order to enhance their personal, social, and workplace environments.
Student Outcomes 1. Reading
R 6.1 Recognize and interpret abbreviations and specialized vocabulary.
R 6.2 Demonstrate familiarity with everyday and some specialized content knowledge and vocabulary and with paragraph structure and document organization.
R 6.3 Locate important information, read identified sections for detail and determine missing information using a wide range of strategies.
R 6.4 Monitor and enhance comprehension using a wide range of strategies, such as brainstorming and question formulation techniques.
R 6.5 Organize and analyze information and reflect upon its meaning using a range of strategies such as classification, categorization, and comparison/contrast.
R 6.4 Evaluate prior knowledge against new information in texts to enhance understanding of the information.
2. Writing
W 6.1 Determine the purpose and audience for communicating in writing.
W 6.2 Select from and use a good store of tools and strategies for overall planning and organization; outline, restate, summarize and categorize ideas and produce a legible and comprehensible draft.
W 6.3 Appropriately use both everyday and specialized vocabulary including abstract nouns and idioms, and a variety of sentence structures, in medium-length, coherently-linked, and detailed text with appropriate tone, language, and level of formality and in modes of organization suitable for a variety of audiences.
W 6.4 Use a variety of strategies to analyze and make simple revisions (such as for clarity, organization, and descriptiveness) and to solve a few more global problems posed by the writing text (such as changes in voice or tone to take into account the needs of the audience or re-sequencing of larger pieces of text based on feedback from others).
W 6.5 Undertake multiple re-readings of text in order to edit for grammar, spelling, sentence structure, language usage, and text structure and use appropriate tools such as dictionaries and grammar guides.
3. Speaking
S 6.1 Recall and use a range of vocabulary including words related to most everyday, school, work, and social situations; know and use a variety of complex sentence structures and grammatical forms; know and use appropriate register in a range of communicative tasks, including unfamiliar, unpredictable, and uncomfortable interactions.
S 6.2 Select from a wide range of strategies (such as taking into account the interests of others; predicting outcomes, interests, or likely questions and responses; organizing information based on determination of relevance and audience needs; elaborating with significant detail and examples) to select, organize, and relay information.
S 6.3 Apply a wide range of strategies (including body language, pause fillers, stalling devices, and different rates of speech as needed) to monitor and enhance effectiveness of communication and to meet the speaking purpose.
4. Listening
L 6.1 Understand main ideas and most details in conversations, short lectures, news reports, extended explanations and other connected discourse on a range of topics, including topics beyond everyday contexts and immediate experiences in a variety of work, personal, and basic academic contexts.
L 6.2 Effectively use advanced strategies to repair gaps in understanding, to ask questions to deepen understanding and to give feedback appropriate to the situation, the audience and the purpose of the communication. Growing ability to use strategies appropriate to the socio-cultural context.
L 6.3 Apply linguistic, socio-cultural, and other background knowledge and strategies (such as integrating information from more than one source; evaluating the relevance, validity, and adequacy of information; or adapting responses to the age, gender, status, and emotional state of the speaker) to understand fully the literal and implied intent of the speaker, to respond appropriately, and to meet the listening purpose.
5. Goals
G 6.1 Set educational goals as they relate to their roles as workers, citizens, and family members; report progress on these goals; and revise and update them quarterly.
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