2021-2022 Pierce College Catalog 
    Jan 02, 2025  
2021-2022 Pierce College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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IE 041 Reading/Writing 4 (10 credits)

Course Description
Reading/Writing 4 is for students with advanced second language abilities. Students will study advanced second language reading and writing concepts in a sheltered classroom setting. Students must reach 80% competency overall in order to pass to the next level.

Student Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to perform the following outcomes at an Advanced Language Acquisition Level:
1.. Compose work in a variety of genres, including but not limited to thesis-driven, academic essays that incorporate researched sources (2,000 words minimum of formal writing, total, excluding revisions) by using the writing process.
2. Apply key rhetorical concepts (writer, audience, subject, purpose, and context) in order to compose a variety of texts.
3. Quote, paraphrase, cite and document sources appropriately to maintain academic honesty and intellectual integrity.
4. Locate, read, and evaluate multiple primary and secondary research materials (both scholarly and popular) in order to demonstrate Information Competency.
5. Summarize and respond to an Advanced Language Acquisition Level text.
6. Incorporate sentences that include phrases such as gerunds, infinitives, participials, adverbials and appositives into academic essays.
7. Define at least 50 headwords from the Academic Word List.
8. Use context clues and word structures to identify word meanings and develop reading fluency
9. Draw inferences and conclusions based on textual evidence in an Advanced Language Acquisition Level reading.
10. Employ a range of pre-reading, during reading and post-reading strategies.

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