Mar 06, 2025
IE 042 Intensive English Grammar 4 (4 credits)
Course Description Grammar 4 is for students with advanced second language abilities. Students will study advanced grammar concepts in a sheltered classroom setting. Students must reach 80% competency overall in order to pass to the next level.
Student Outcomes Upon completion of the course, students will be able to perform the following outcomes at an advanced language level:
1. Identify common verbs only followed by gerunds, common verbs only followed by infinitives and common verbs followed by a gerund or an infinitive.
2. Use restrictive and nonrestrictive adjective clauses to describe nouns.
3. Use reduced adjective clauses to modify a noun in a sentence.
4. Use noun clauses as subjects, as objects of verbs and as objects of prepositions.
5. Use noun phrases to combine information as subjects, as objects of verbs and as objects of prepositions.
6. Use real conditionals to express cause and effect.
7. Use unreal conditionals to express hypothetical situations.
8. Use adverbials to indicate time, distance, location, condition, cause, degree, focus and stance.
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