The Associate of Arts degree (AA-DTA) is designed for students who plan to transfer to four-year institutions after completing the first two years of study at Pierce College. The degree enables students to fulfill the undergraduate general education requirements of most four-year degree programs and is also recommended for students who have not yet decided the field they will enter or the four-year institution they will attend.
Pierce College’s AA-DTA degree meets the Inter-College Relations Commission’s Transfer Degree Guidelines for Washington colleges and universities. Because transfer requirements vary from one institution to another, students are encouraged to work closely with their advisors in planning their program of study. Because it is the student’s responsibility to ensure the courses taken at Pierce College will be accepted for transfer, it is helpful to select a transfer institution, obtain a catalog and transfer guide from that college or university, and become familiar with its admission and course requirements soon after enrolling at Pierce College. For students who have not decided on a transfer institution, advisors can help plan a well-balanced program that will best meet transfer needs.
Specific questions concerning transfer can be directed to a faculty advisor, the advising centers, or to an admissions office at the four-year institution of choice. Transfer information for four-year institutions in Washington state is available in the advising centers.
More than 90 credits may be earned at Pierce College, but no more than 90 quarter credits may apply to a chosen four-year program of study.
Degree Outcomes
General Degree Requirements
- Minimum of 90 earned credits in courses numbered 100 or above is required to complete the AA-DTA degree. The 90 credits must include at least 60 Core Requirement credits, 15 General Transferable Elective (GTE) credits, and 15 General Elective credits.
- ENGL& 101 English Composition I - required
- COLLG 110 College Success required during the first or second quarter of attendance
- Earn the lesser of (at least) 20 college level credits or 25% of the credits applicable to the degree or certificate at Pierce College
- Cumulative college-level grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher is required
- 1.5 grade (C-) or better for all Core Requirement and GTE courses is required unless stated otherwise
- “Pass” (P) grades, independent study and cooperative work experience/work-based learning credits may be used for general elective credits only
- Once a course has been successfully completed, credits earned may be used in only one category