PE 259 Intermediate Yoga (1 credit)
Course Description An Intermediate Yoga course extending what was learned in Beginning Yoga to encourage students to continue to promote one’s mind-body fitness that involves a combination of muscular activity and an internally directed mindful focus on awareness of the self, the breath, and energy.
Course Content A. Strength, endurance and flexibility
B. Self-expression and social interaction
C. Life perspective
D. Balance and union between mind and body
E. Interrelationship between health and illness
F. Individuality
G. Personal Wellness Plan
Student Outcomes 1. Perform intermediate physical yoga postures in response to instructor led performance activities to improve muscular strength, endurance and flexibility.
2. Demonstrate facilitation of friendliness, compassion and greater self-control, while cultivating a sense of calmness and well-being.
3. Articulate personal life perspective, and self-awareness to promote improved sense of energy and genuine enjoyment of life.
4. Demonstrate the practice of writing down your thoughts and feelings for the purposes of self-analysis, self-discovery, and self-reflection.
5. Demonstrate and perform breathing techniques, meditation practices and physical postures to experience the therapeutic effects of yoga.
6. Articulate the enhanced physical outcomes of yoga such as lowered heart rate, lowered blood pressure, improved flexibility and enhanced immunity.
7. Acknowledgment of individuality demonstrated by practice of physical poses, meditation, breathing, attentiveness to one’s sense of well-being by journaling.
8. Articulate the discipline and practice of yoga as a holistic model of health and healing by incorporating it in to a long term wellness plan.
9. Articulate the discipline and practice of yoga as a widespread therapy to help alleviate a range of health problems and ailments.
Degree Outcomes Program Outcome: Graduates will increase their awareness, knowledge and behavioral skills regarding the role of physical activity and exercise as a foundation for life-long health and wellness.
Responsibility: Graduates will be able to critically examine the relationship between self, community, and/or environments, and to evaluate and articulate potential impacts and consequences of choices, actions, and contributions for the creation of sustainable systems.
Lecture Contact Hours 0 Lab Contact Hours 20 Clinical Contact Hours 0 Total Contact Hours 20
Potential Methods Potential Methods
A. Teacher led observation of physical movements to demonstrate competency
B. Teacher led feedback and refinement of movements
C. Classroom Discussion
D. Journaling
E. Peer observation
F. Development of Individual Wellness Plan
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