Jan 22, 2025
2024-2025 Pierce College Catalog
Social Service Behavioral Health Certificate Course Map
Created by Pierce faculty, this map outlines the initial coursework for this career field. It provides you a clear path to complete your certificate by listing a specific set of courses relevant to your program and career. The map is designed with the appropriate number of credits and meets certificate requirements. Courses are organized in a recommended sequence; please schedule accordingly. If a course is unavailable, select the next appropriate course within the sequence. For each course, a purpose statement explains how the content relates to your career field. On this map, there may be instances when you will be required to select a course from several options. Use these purpose statements and notes to choose the course that best aligns with your interests and needs. You will also find action items to complete to assure you progress and graduate on time.
While this map is a great guide to courses required to complete the Social Service Behavioral Health Certificate, you are responsible for fulfilling all certificate requirements.
Questions? Your Success Network is ready to help you!
Employment Eligibility Requirements
Any past criminal history may be detrimental to finding employment in the Social Service Behavioral Health field. If you have any concerns please speak with an advisor.
2. Introduction to Human Services
- SSBH 100 Introduction to Human Services (5 credits)
Course purpose: This course provides you an opportunity to explore the social service field history, philosophy, theory and exploration of career paths, values, education and skills needed. This course covers many of the requirements to complete a Certified Advisor Credential with the state of Washington RCW 18.19.
3. Law and Ethics in Social Services
- SSBH 215 Law and Ethics in Social Services (5 credits)
Course purpose: This course explores the legal and ethical issues in social services. Includes: counselor regulation, confidentiality, client rights, involuntary commitment, rights and responsibilities of mental health professionals, mandatory reporting, child welfare, case law and standards of conduct. This course covers many of the requirements to complete a Certified Advisor Credential with the state of Washington RCW 18.19.
Action Item: Meet with Advisor
Use your Success Network! In your first quarter, meet with your advisor to revisit your career and transfer path, make adjustments to your goals as needed, and plan for your next steps.
4. Social Service Behavioral Health Course Recommendation
Choose one
5. Mental Health Interviewing and Assessment
6. Social Service Behavioral Health Field Experience 1
7. Self-Care for Caregivers
8. Sociology Course Recommendation
Choose one
9. Psychology Course Recommendation
Choose one