2024-2025 Pierce College Catalog
Construction Management (BAS-CM) Course Map
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Admission Requirements
There are many pathways to the BAS CM. Please choose one:
- Completion of Pierce College’s Associate of Applied Science in Construction Management or a similar associate degree from another institution with a cumulative GPA for all college-level credits with a 2.0 or greater.
- Completion of at least an associate degree with a cumulative GPA for all college-level credits with a 2.0 or greater, and completion of Pierce College’s Certificate in Construction Management.
- Completion of at least an associate degree with a cumulative GPA for all college-level credits with a 2.0 or greater, and a departmental review of your professional and educational experience, resulting in an approved, personalized educational plan.
Advisors and program specialists work closely with students to develop educational plans, based on prior course work and/or work history, to meet BAS-CM admission requirements and approve possible substitutions. For your customized plan, please contact construction@pierce.ctc.edu.
Required General Education Courses (minimum 30 credits total):
- ENGL& 101 (5 credits)
- ENGL& 235 (5 credits)
- MATH& 141 or MATH& 147 (5 credits)
- CMST& 101 or CMST 105 (5 credits)
- ECON& 110, ECON& 201, ECON 202, or BUS& 101 (5 credits)
- GEOL& 110, GEOL& 101, ENVS 155, ENVS& 100, or PHYS& 110 (5 credits)
Required Construction Foundation Courses or instructor approval:
- CONST 101 Introduction to Construction Management (5 credits)
- CONST 140 Construction Drawings: Printreading (5 credits)
- CONST 150 Construction Documents (5 credits)
- CONST 160 Means and Methods I (5 credits)
- CONST 180 Building Codes (5 credits)
- CONST 200 Estimating I (5 credits)
- CONST 230 Planning and Scheduling I (5 credits)
- CONST 250 Construction Safety and Accident Prevention (3 credits)
- BTECA 125 Microsoft Excel (4 credits)
At any time, you may apply to the BAS-CM program by completing our application. Please have the following documents ready:
- Professional intent statement, 250 words maximum: Explain professional goals and how these will be served by a BAS-CM degree.
- Resume
- Unofficial transcripts from accredited college-level institution(s). Official transcripts required for admission.
Graduation Requirements:
• 2.0 minimum grade in all upper-division BAS-CM courses
• Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA for all college-level credits
• Minimum of 60 earned credits in upper-division (300/400-level) courses
• Minimum of 60 approved college-level GER credits:
- Communication skills (10 credits)
- Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning Skills (5 credits)
- Humanities (25 credits)
- Social Sciences (10 credits)
- Natural Sciences (10 credits) At least 5 credits in physical, biological and/or earth sciences. Shall include at least one laboratory course.
• Minimum of 90 approved BAS-CM program credits
• Minimum of 180 college-level course credits
• Meet all other Pierce College graduation expectations.
ctcLink Plan Code: CONCMBAS
1. Surveying, Earthwork, and Infrastructure
2. Construction Industry Relationship Building
3. Social Science
Choose one. - BUS& 101 Introduction to Business (5 credits)
Course Purpose: This course will help prepare students for specific business and construction courses. The class offers an overview of the globalized nature of today’s business and its major functions of operations and finance needed to manage a construction project. - ECON 110 Survey of Economics (5 credits)
Course Purpose: As a construction management professional you need to have knowledge of supply and demand of products and the skills to determine prices in a market economy to anticipate economic changes which could impact how you develop project estimates, plan, and manage projects. - ECON& 201 Microeconomics (5 credits)
Course Purpose: You will learn about the allocation of resources, supply, and demand, labor, capital markets and international trade. This is essential knowledge when developing estimates. - ECON& 202 Macroeconomics (5 credits)
Course Purpose: Construction is an indicator of the economy doing well or not doing well. Having knowledge of the US economy will help you plan for employment opportunities and dips. Understanding macroeconomics also aids in keeping business afloat by creating accurate 3–5-year projections for resources and projects.
Action Item: Meet with Advisor
Use your Success Network! In your first quarter, meet with your advisor to revisit your career and transfer path, adjust your goals as needed, and plan for your next steps. 4. Concrete and Foundation
5. Communications and Conflict Resolution
6. Introduction to Ethics
- PHIL 150 Introduction to Ethics (5 credits)
Course Purpose: Construction Managers should be guided in all their relationships by the highest standard of integrity and honesty with their ethical practices, professional excellence, responsibility to the public and should ethically represent the best interests of the owner with our standards.
7. Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Suppression (MEPF)
8. Budgeting and Accounting for CM Projects
9. Organizational Communication
10. Virtual Construction Modeling
11. Means and Methods II
- CONST 410 Means and Methods II (5 credits)
Course Purpose: You will learn the technical aspects of construction systems, including the procedures and methods for masonry, steel, wood, and concrete construction. The latest trends in construction materials are also covered.
13. Estimating II
- CONST 420 Estimating II (5 credits)
Course Purpose: This course will expand student skills in new topics of construction estimating and bidding. It will focus on the bidding procedures with students from the receipt of the bidding documents, through work breakdown, work qualifications, pricing and bid submittal for several types of contracts.
14. Planning and Scheduling II
- CONST 430 Planning and Scheduling II (5 credits)
Course Purpose: The course covers planning and scheduling with an emphasis on the work breakdown structure, work breakdown structure quality, principles, and concepts of best practices for scheduling and developing a project schedule.
15. Ethnic Thought and Culture
16. Virtual Construction Integration with Estimating and Scheduling
17. Internship or Capstone
Choose one. 18. Natural Science with Lab
Choose one. - GEOL& 101 Introduction to Physical Geology (5 credits)
Course Purpose: Understanding of soils and rocks helps with selecting appropriate types of building foundations, building sites and environmental processes needed for the construction project. - GEOL& 110 Environmental Geology (5 credits)
Course Purpose: Understanding the Earth with emphasis on geologic hazards such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, and flooding. You will learn about resources such as energy, water and materials and the disposal of waste and pollution to keep sites safe and become a leader in taking care of the environment. - PHYS& 110 Physics for Non-Science Majors (5 credits)
Course Purpose: You will learn the physical principles that will impact the construction project.
ctcLink Plan Code: CONCMBAS
Program Outcomes
- Professionalism: Model professionalism in the construction industry through ethics and advocacy; team building; leadership; and mentorship in the construction industry.
- Safety and Accident Prevention: Evaluate the importance of jobsite safety and research strategies that can be used to build a culture of safety.
- Communication: Compose, implement, and assess the efficacy of communications tools used in the construction industry to disseminate technical and professional business information to a diverse audience.
- Analysis and Problem Solving: Analyze projects through the application of mathematics, logic, and technology to solve problems in construction documents; materials and methods; estimating; budgets; and scheduling.
- Planning and Organization: Research, implement, and evaluate construction processes using project planning methods and tools.
- Sustainability: Assess concepts related to running sustainable projects in order to build sustainable business processes.
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